Thursday, October 12, 2006

An old man stopped flying and is looking at me. Which way did the kings go? I ask him. They went after the queen horse you drew yesterday. And he stares at my shoe. The leaf is coming! It can see you everywhere. There is time for everything. And the leaf bounced away through them. Normal hair, please. Do you think? Cleaning lady leaves at six, I have no money. The phone ran into the night. This is not my world. You have to see the bunnies smashing pumpkins.

Photo © Daniel Bayer - "Horse and girl nuzzle"

Cred ca pentru o fractiune de secunda, zilele trecute, am reusit sa-mi imaginez cum m-as simti daca as fi un cal. Am ales calul pentru ca e animalul meu preferat; si pentru ca imi amintesc ca ma uitam la o emisiune despre ei. A fost foarte ciudat; si a disparut extraordinar de repede senzatia, n-am putut s-o retin deloc. Da... Ma intreb asta pentru ca femeia care vorbea, spunea despre cal ca are vreo 3 ani. Si ma gandeam ca, daca ar putea sa vorbeasca, el ar sti sa-i spuna exact cati ani are, pentru ca el stie cel mai bine. In secunda urmatoare m-am intrebat: esti sigura ca el stie ce varsta are? Animalele stiu ca au un trecut? Realizeaza ca in spatele lor e viata lor, e varsta lor, e experienta lor? Au amintiri? Sunt lucruri la care se gandesc din cand in cand cu drag, poate, sau cu spaima sau altfel, n-are importanta cum, isi amintesc? Stiu ca au trait pana atunci asa cum stim noi?