Saturday, April 14, 2007

I gotta smash that bunny!… I gotta smash it to the ground… and use my fist… or my foot… And look at it when I do this… I gotta smash it to small, tiny pieces… I don’t know why, what it’s gonna change. But I’ve been telling myself that I’m gonna do that for some time now. And some day I’ll do it. I’ll stop looking at it and thinking it and I’ll break that small rabbit. And I’m gonna keep as a souvenir, like Indians used to take the scalps of the ones they had killed, his little bell which now hangs around his fragile neck on a red ribbon.


brand new friend said...

do it! DO IIIT! si inregistreaza evenimentul cu web-camul pe care nu-l ai si posteaza-l pe youtube cu titlul .... "asta se intampla animalelor de plus care vorbesc urat cu stapanii lor"

Noe Me said...

:)) Stii cum sta si se uita la mine, asa, cu coada ochiului, de pe raftul de la masuta de toaleta pe care l-am pus? He knows...