My tears burned the river of fire and gave birth to the cool water that bathes your soul. You are inside me. Keeping me warm keeps me happy. We are the truth… I see love, I smell desire, I hear your white. I feel! Nothing is black. Everything is light. Wash away my sadness with your eyes. The Universe begins in us. This is my star. I can see yours. The green eye smiles upon us. Taste my love, it’s real. I have found the Mystery, you say to me, it’s you, my love.
Photo © Vau de Ville - "Kill Her"
De fiecare data cand ma gandesc la tine, iau foc. Ard toata. La propriu: ma arde pielea. Nu mi s-a intamplat niciodata. So I guess you really burn me alive. O sa ma mistuie dorinta pentru tine. :)Problema e ca doar eu o sa ma transform in scrum. Pentru tine sunt ca o fantoma care mai rasare din cand in cand din trecut in bratele tale.
Daca as putea sa plang afara din mine tot ce simt... Siroaie de lacrimi mi-ar arde obrajii. Daca as putea sa te rad afara din mintea mea... Dar nu se poate. So I'm waiting for you to fade away.
Poate mai am o speranta: poate sunt un mic phoenix. Poate o sa renasc din cenusa. Cu sufletul ars insa, pentru ca tu ai fost prea puternic pentru mine. Cel putin partea care se ocupa de iubire. Iar daca nu e arsa in intregime, am s-o inchid departe de lumina. Si-am sa uit de ea. O sa-i fie mai bine in intuneric. Iar eu am sa fiu libera. N-o sa-mi mai lege nimeni glezna. O sa fiu libera sa zbor deasupra voastra si sa ma hranesc cu cate suflete vreau fara sa simt nimic...
Deocamdata ard...
I hate the fucking "coincidences"!!!... Incredibil!!!...
So you think you can tell Heaven from Hell... Blue skies from pain...
How I wish...
How I wish you were here... We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl...
Oh, boy... You are gonna be the end of me...
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Link it to yourself
Stretch it like it's a birth squeeze
And the love for what you hide
And the bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
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