The weather is changing and it’s changing us. Our souls. When’ll you be ready to face her. Your fears are your capitol. The path is opened. Take your time. Free.
We must end the flight. Get real. Telepathic when we are the kings of us. There is more to all of the world. When they dance clouds are smiling. Truth’s.
We must end the flight. Get real. Telepathic when we are the kings of us. There is more to all of the world. When they dance clouds are smiling. Truth’s.
Me being me. That's what I miss. It's been so long... I almost lost myself. Si, daca nu incep sa ma caut mai repede, probabil ca o sa ma pierd pe bune si pentru totdeauna.
Problema e ca-mi vajaie gandurile in cap. Si nu stiu de unde sa incep.
Am nevoie de liniste. Cine-ar fi crezut ca un lucru atat de simplu se poate dovedi atat de greu de obtinut?
One way... Or another... I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you... :)
e ca inceputul unui roman. de la care astept mult.
cu toate ca e imposibil sa ma uit la ultima pagina am sentimentul ca n-o sa fiu dezamagit :)
foarte artistic si un bun preambul pentru ... well, orice. inclusiv o saritura de la etajul 5.
keep it coming.
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