Thursday, December 14, 2006

E ritorno da te. Who said that? It’s my heart. It’s speaking to you. The shadows caught you in their circle. They are dancing with you. And you can’t hear my scream. You look at me, but you can’t see me. You see a leaf floating around you. And the leaf is green, then yellow, then grey. She’s white. Her tears are dropping on the shadows. It’s burning them. Your sight is clear now. And you can see my soul. So close and yet so distant. And you touch my heart.

Photo © Jean-Sébastien Monzani - "A German Rhapsody"

Despre ea si sechelele legate de oamenii care fac cadouri si scot ochii si despre vorbele pe care le scot „prietenii” si despre de ce oare ascultam ce zic altii despre relatiile noastre care de fapt ne privesc doar pe noi. Eu nu cred ca am ascultat vreodata ce-au spus ceilalti despre relatiile mele. Ascult numai de mine cand sunt indragostita, sunt surda la restul lumii.