Thursday, October 05, 2006

So quiet. The lightning strikes the star. Lovely house, says my guest. I’ll go into the woods. I have to find the beast. She needs the cure. Red starts to fade. The lashes are whispering a strange song. They are near, but the woods are mine. Search for the bubble. The pink butterflies stole it. Laughter in my soul. I finally hear it so clearly. I found the beast. It’s you. Take the tear. I can feel the green. It’s open and the butterflies play. Let’s run.

Photo © Lars Raun - "Once upon a time"

Cum renunti? Cum dai drumul? Fara sa te pierzi pe tine? Aproape am fost deconspirata. Poate chiar am fost. Maybe my secret is out. Si ce? Nu e problema mea. Alta e. Altele sunt. Asta e atat de putin importanta… Si ar fi inca si mai lipsita de greutate, daca nu i-as da eu atata. E cazul sa i-o iau. Pentru ca-mi sta in putere s-o fac. Da, sunt Atotputernicul problemelor mele. Dar aleg cu buna stiinta sa ma ascund de mine.
What a fucking great lie!...